A few weeks ago, Google acquired a company called SayNow, specializing in voicemail and connecting fans with celebrities via voice... This technology was put into practice last night as Google offered a revolutionary service to the - deprived of internet connectivity - people of Egypt. Anyone could call a number and say what was happening. Instantly, their phonecall was recorded and tweeted, along with the #egypt hashtag, so anyone in the world could listen to their voice. Here's a story of how things evolved... “ Official Google Blog: Some weekend work that will (hopefully) enable more Egyptians to be heard http://bit.ly/i8pss4 #fb DimitrisTzouris January 31, 2011 “ We hope @speak2tweet helps people hear from the voices of Egypt http://goo.gl/5yUGR google January 31, 2011 “ How to use @speak2tweet to communicate from Egypt: http://t.co/a0oGi0P (thx to @google) twitter January 31, 2011 ...